Monthly Meetings
The guild meets typically twice a month, during the regular guild/academic year September-June. Guests are always welcome and this is a good way to get to know us and decide whether you’d like to join.
As the pandemic ends, All Guild Monthly meetings may be held in person or on-line, via Zoom. Some meetings will be “hybrid” meetings, with both in person and Zoom availability. Information about each meeting can be found in the events calendar. A few days before each Zoom meeting, guild members will be sent an invitation with a link to use to join. Both the Thursday and Saturday Zoom meetings will open at 9:30am and begin at 9:45 am to allow time for everyone to join. Click here for a link that explains how to join a Zoom meeting.
The Thursday meetings usually feature a speaker, and are held on the second Thursday of the month, 9:45 – 12:30am, at the United Methodist Church, 1515 Fredericks St., San Luis Obispo, in the Terrace Room. Refreshments are provided; bring your latest “Show & Tell”, and a few items for the monthly raffle.
We also meet, typically the last Saturday of the month, 10:00-2:00, in member’s homes. These meetings usually involve some sort of hands-on project. Bring something for “Show & Tell” and a potluck lunch.
Occasional workshops may or may not coincide with regular guild meetings, but are usually held on weekends.
Special Interest Groups
The guild has many activities as a whole, of course. But many of us also form sub-groups to address special interests. These may meet more or less regularly, and vary between a couple members and nearly the whole guild. Contact the group leader(s) for inclusion in the sub-mailing lists and meeting notifications.
Study Group
The Study Group meets on calendar year basis, from January to December. The topic is chosen by consensus and changes every year. Meetings are held by Zoom from 10:00 – 12:00; usually on the third Thursday of the month. Contact Central Coast Weavers for specifics. The study topic for 2024 is Lace Weaves.
Previous studies:
- 2015: Lace Weaves
- 2016: Rug Weaves
- 2017: Mastering Weave Structures
- 2018: Weft Face Weaves
- 2019: Profile Drafting and Block Weaves
- 2020: Fabrics that Go Bump
- 2021: Twills
- 2022: Overshot
- 2023: Doubleweave
- 2024: Lace
The Spinners meet every Tuesday morning from 9:30 – 12:30, at the Strawbale Barn Weaving Studio, Atascadero. Call Rosemary or Kay Thorne for directions, 805-610-5798. Anyone wishing to learn to spin may join the group for informal instruction.
A $1.00 per visit donation is requested to help defray the cost of firewood, utilities and hot drinks.
Tapestry Group
The Tapestry Group meets 3 or 4 times each year on Saturdays to share ideas, encouragement, techniques and strategies for this design-focused, weft-face, plain weave format. Please contact Cindy Gaulin for more information. cakgaulin@yahoo.com
Garment Encouragement
Many weavers produce lovely lengths of cloth, but feel a bit lost when it comes to transforming it into clothing. If you are interested in improving your sewing skills and creating garments from your hand woven fabrics, this is the group for you. Topic are pretty self-contained and vary with each session. Contact Patricia Martin, patwove@aol.com or Nancy Weber, jnweber@yahoo.com for information on meeting dates and locations.
“Little” Looms
The “Little” Looms Group (formerly known as Rigid Heddle Group) meets the second Tuesday of each month year-round from 1:00-3:00 at the Strawbale Barn Weaving Studio in Atascadero. This group weaves with many different types of small looms. For information about our group, click here. Please contact Diane Reynolds for more information. dianeleigh228@gmail.com
SoSuMe Weaving (Freeform Weaving)
The SoSuMe Group meets the first Tuesday of each month from 1:00 to 3:00 pm at the Strawbale Barn Weaving Studio in Atascadero. Please contact Denise Schryver for information. denise.schryver@gmail.com
Yearly Events
Guild members also participate in a number of yearly events.
- In early November, Central Coast Weavers hosts its annual Weaving Show and Sale.
- The December Guild meeting is a usually a holiday party, with a potluck, a craft project and a small-present game.
- In June, the All Guild meeting is on a Saturday, with a potluck picnic, a presentation of the annual weaving challenge, and a tag sale.
- In late July, the guild participates in the California Mid-State Fair in Paso Robles. There are displays showing various aspects of textile production and we do live demonstrations.