Become a Member
CCW welcomes new members and visitors who are interested in spinning, weaving, dyeing, and related fiber arts. Our membership includes beginners to accomplished artisans, as well as those who are simply interested in or thinking about learning these skills.
Membership confers many advantages:
- Access to the fabulous Guild Library
- Priority in signing up for Guild Workshops
- Participate in our Annual Sale
- Receive our informative newsletter either on paper or electronically
- Gain access to Members-Only Content on this website
- Receive advance notice of textile events regionally and all over.
Annual dues are $40, and the membership year runs July 1 to June 30. (Dues paid by new members joining after April 1 will include the following year.)
To join the Guild, please complete the Membership Form and mail or email it to the address on the form. You may include a check for $40 payable to Central Coast Weavers or you may pay using PayPal. It is preferred that all payments be made by PayPal. (PayPal membership is not required.)
Membership Form here
For additional information regarding membership, contact Camille, our membership coordinator, with the form below. All fields are required. And add the numbers to show you are not a robot.